Muscular, determined, confident and cute, the American Bulldog makes an extraordinary pet for the right owner. With proper training and care, the American Bulldog makes a loyal and loving pal you can count on no matter what. This breed is known for their strong-will, but thanks to the fact they are extremely intelligent, they learn to respect a poised and consistent owner without issue.
7 Questions To Consider Before Adopting An American Bulldog
If you can answer yes to most or all of the following questions you may make an excellent candidate for an American Bulldog!
- Do you lead an active lifestyle?
American Bulldogs enjoy challenging their natural athletic abilities, which range to include hunting, weight pulling, agility and farmwork. You may not live on a farm or even condone hunting, but plenty of walks and other forms of daily exercise will do the trick!
- Do you plan to socialize your dog early on?
American Bulldogs can grow up to be incredibly friendly or standoffish and even aggressive. The friendliness of their demeanor has a lot to do with how much socialization they get as puppies.
- Do you poo-pah any stereotypes set forth by the media?
Unfortunately, bulldogs are often lumped together with the badly perceived pitbull, giving this sweet and loving dog a bad rep for no doggone good reason. Extra care and training may be necessary to help your dog become a standing example of how silly these preconceived notions can be. No matter how well behaved your dog is, you may still run into issues with insurance as well as bans at certain parks, rental properties and so forth.
- Don’t want to spend too much time grooming your dog?
The American Bulldog’s sleek and easy-to-groom coat makes them a natural beauty with very little maintenance needed.
- Do you love fart jokes?
The American Bulldog is known to let out the more-than-occasional toot, so get your gas masks ready.
- Is your home pretty durable in terms of not too much glass or fancy delicates
The American Bulldog is a lot to handle, especially up until around three-years-old. As a result, it’s not uncommon for their zest to knock over things, plow through tables and so forth. Is your house prepared to stand up to the challenge?
- Are you financially prepared to handle any health problems that arise?
The American Bulldog is susceptible to some health issues that may require veterinary attention. For the most part these issues relate to their joints and hips. You don’t need to be rich by any means, but financial stability is important in order to provide proper care if anything arises.
Two Products Every American Bulldog Needs
Speaking of health conditions… there are two things that impact many bulldogs, both of which relate to their adorable little scrunched-up faces. First, is a dry, crusty bulldog nose, and second are stinky sores, crusty buildups or other issues forming between their facial wrinkles.
How To Heal Crusty, Dry, Irritated Bulldog Noses
Due to the way that short-nosed dogs breathe they are more prone to developing dry, crusty noses. If your dog’s nose is not moist or smooth to the touch it is causing discomfort and even impacting his or her ability to smell.
A dry crusty nose can relate to a huge assortment of issues, almost all of which Snout Soother is proven to soothe, treat and heal. Made with all-natural vegan and organic ingredients, Snout Soother is the perfect product for even the most sensitive pups. It’s scent-free, easy to apply and dog-approved! Plus, you’ll start seeing results in as little as one to two applications.

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How To Heal Stinky, Crusty, Pimply-like Irritations Between Bulldog Wrinkles
Those cute wrinkles that line your bulldog’s face create a dark, moist space that just begs bacteria and yeast to breed. Cleaning between your dog’s wrinkles a few times a day helps prevent irritated, pimply and even stinky skin, but even the cleanest dogs are not immune to issues. All-natural Wrinkle Balm is gentle enough to soothe the sorest ailments but tough enough to combat fierce forms of yeast and bacteria.
Learn more and try Wrinkle Balm risk free! Click Here!