Give your dog a vacation of their own this holiday season, just don’t forget to pack the Snout Soother to natrually heal those dry dog noses thanks to the chilly winter air.
Dogs are a part of the family, but unfortunately they don’t stand on two legs, speak fluent English, know how to use a public restroom, or have much control over what, or whom, they bark at. Therefore, one of the hardest parts about going on vacation is leaving your dogs behind. For some, the idea of being separated from their beloved furry friend over the holidays is just too much, but if you do decide to take your pet along for the holidays, other challenges present themselves. In order to truly enjoy your vacation, it’s important to know that your dogs are safe, happy, and comfortable. If ever uncertain, you will only spend your time stressing about your pets instead of enjoying your holiday. In order to bless you and your pup with a beneficial break, enjoy these tips for traveling with or without your pets.
5 Things You Should Know to Secure a Safe Pet Boarding Facility

Don’t let your dog be sad over the holidays, find a boarding place for dogs that will provide a fun environment, offering distraction from your absence.
There are numerous pet boarding facilities around the nation, and each boarding place that you visit is going to dramatically vary. There are even a number of dog boarders that are getting in touch with technology. Imagine logging into the computer, or even onto your smart phone, and with a few clicks watching a video of your dog in the present moment. This is a real reality at a growing number of boarding facilities, do your homework and you can secure the opportunity to watch your pets even from miles away. Technologically savvy or not, here are some important things to check out before selecting a boarding place for your pets.
- Do your research, and extensively so! Check reviews, Google a company’s name, reach out to friends or family that might know a thing or two about pet places in the area. Any boarding place that has a bad reputation is going to try and cover it up, although if you dig deep enough you might uncover something that changes your mind about boarding your precious pets there.
- Playtime is important! You don’t want to put your pet somewhere that keeps them locked up in a small kennel most of the time. Once you’ve secured a facility that offers an abundance of playtime, make sure that big dogs and little dogs are properly separated and watched. Often the worst injuries occur because dogs are not properly grouped, separated, and/or observed during free time.
- What is the boarder’s policy if your dog does become injured or sick while staying there? Do they have a vet on call that they work with? You want to pick a place that has a professional system to ensure your dog is given the best care if a worst-case scenario does arise.
- Not only should a boarding place be clean, and free of any odd smells, but you also want to make sure they are willing to work with you and accommodate your dog to the best of their ability. For instance, find a place that will let you leave behind your natural pet products; since winter weather often leads to dry, cracked dog noses, don’t forget to leave some Snout Soother with whoever watches your dog this holiday season.
Even when everything checks into place, leaving your pet(s) behind is difficult, and can even trigger tears for some of us. Try not to show too much emotion though when you drop your dog off, make the goodbye quick and painless for both of you. Animals are very intuitive to emotions and if they sense you are deeply upset they might start to worry, become stressed, or think they are forever trapped at the boarding facility.
Have Pets Will Travel
What do you do if your pet is not a good candidate for a boarding facility? Or, what if you simply hate the idea of leaving them behind? Pets are portable, and there are a number of ways to plan a trip where your pet can come along and enjoy the adventure.
Taking a road trip is a great way to include the family dog, but most airlines also allow pet cargo onboard. If your pet is small enough, you can take them on the plane as your carry-on; just make sure they are in a carrier that will easily fit beneath the seat in front of you to avoid problems when you arrive. Pets can not have water or food during the flight, they also can not leave the confines of their carrier, so be sure that your pet will stay calm under these conditions. For larger dogs, all of the same rules apply but they will be transported under the plane with the luggage. Planes are not the only form of travel making life with pets easier; there are also a number of websites instituted to help people plan their vacation around pet-friendly destinations.