Skin Soother quickly heals any cut or scrape acquired during intense outdoor play!
Nosing through prickly brush. Walking on sharp rocks. Getting whacked by neighborhood cats.
If you’ve got an adventurous (or accident-prone!) pup, then bumps, bruises, and cuts come with the territory. And at some point, you may have reached into your medicine cabinet for the Neosporin to treat those minor wounds and scrapes.
But as a petroleum-based product made for humans, not dogs, Neosporin is not the best solution for treating their wounds.
In this article, we’ll cover whether it’s safe to put Neosporin on your dog, a proven natural alternative, and basic wound care for a common canine injury.
Is Neosporin safe for dogs?
There’s no doubt that Neosporin is a useful product for humans that helps us heal faster and reduce scarring. But Neosporin is meant for external use only and dogs instinctively lick their wounds. If they ingest Neosporin, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
So, with that said, we can safely assert that Neosporin isn’t the best alternative to use on your dog’s small cuts or wounds.
Skin Soother: natural Neosporin for dogs
Skin Soother is our one-of-a-kind, all-natural, organic alternative to Neosporin. Our balm was formulated by a master herbalist, so it’s loaded with natural healing ingredients to treat small cuts, kill bacteria, and prevent infection.
Skin Soother is crafted perfectly from organic, plant-based ingredients so it’s also totally edible and safe to ingest!

Sea Buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil is a powerful antioxidant that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to treat wounds, burns, and frostbite. It stimulates regeneration and other processes that help to form a new, healthy epidermis.

Lavender oil
Lavender is well known for its fragrance and its color, but the plant’s oil also has healing properties. Proven to be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, lavender is a key ingredient to effectively treating your dogs’ wounds.

Frankincense is an aromatic resin that also has healthy benefits for humans and animals alike, including anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.

A reddish brown sap from a thorny tree, Myrrh has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. It has quite a few wonderful benefits, including antibacterial, antimicrobial, and pain relieving properties.
How to use Skin Soother to heal your dog’s cut paw pad
Skin Soother can be used to treat a gamut of minor cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, and other irritations, but one of the most common uses for our natural balm is for healing paw pad injuries.
Your dog’s paw pads are like the soles of your sneakers that you wear every single day. Pads are tough, but can still be damaged or worn on rough terrain or sharp objects.
Skin Soother can help expedite the healing process for minor wounds such as torn paw pads. Follow these steps to treat this common injury:

To secure dressings, be sure to wrap a self-adhesive wrap firmly around the entire paw.
Step 1: Clean and inspect the wound.
Before you attempt to clean and dress a wound, you must make sure the wound is free from debris. Check for foreign objects like rocks, glass, etc. and then spray gently with a hose or swish with warm water to remove any excess dirt and debris. Then, clean the wound thoroughly with a mild antibacterial soap and/or betadine.
*Note: if you find an object lodged in the wound, contact your vet as soon as possible.
Step 2: Stop the bleeding.
After the wound has been thoroughly cleaned, apply pressure to stop the bleeding. It’s important to keep your dog off their feet while doing this, as the movement and pressure may cause the bleeding to restart; try offering peanut butter or a gnawer to keep them calm and occupied.
*Note: If the bleeding doesn’t stop in 10-15 minutes, contact your vet.
Step 3: Apply Skin Soother.
Once the bleeding has stopped, apply a small amount of balm directly to the wound. Skin Soother’s healing properties will ward off infection and start working to heal your dog’s injury quickly. Though the balm is safe to ingest, it’s best to try and keep your dog from licking it off — the more balm that stays on the wound, the more effective it is!
Step 4: Bandage the wound.
The final step to treat a paw wound is to bandage it, protecting it from dirt and germs as it heals. Apply a non-stick gauze pad to the wound, then wrap the entire paw from toes to ankle with a self-adhesive wrap bandage to keep the gauze in place. Don’t wrap too tightly, though, you should be able to insert a finger between the bandage and skin.
Repeat this process daily as you change the bandage, and you and Scout will be headed back out for long walks in no time! If your dog has to go outside in wet grass, wrap up the leg in a plastic bag to avoid getting the bandage wet.
These same steps can also help you treat other minor injuries like burns and scrapes.
“Delta got into a disagreement with our neighbor’s dog from under the fence. Her nose got scratched up pretty bad. I already had the Skin Soother, Paw Soother and Pawtection from doing my research online when Delta had a rash on her skin and a hurt paw, so I started putting the Skin Soother on her nose twice a day. One week later her nose was healing very nicely, in just two weeks you couldn’t even tell she had a scratch on her nose! Very pleased with all Natural Dog products and I highly recommend them!” — Chelsea | Van Alstyne, TX
When to see a vet
While your pup is healing, use the daily bandage changes to assess how the wound is progressing. As you remove the old bandage to replace it with a new one, check for redness, swelling, a foul odor, or discharge from the wound. If you spot any of these issues, it’s time to visit the vet.
If, after 3 days, the wound is not knitting closed, it’s time to schedule a visit with your vet.
More serious wounds like deep punctures or bites from another animal always warrant an immediate visit to the vet. Wounds like these require prescription antibiotics to better protect against infection.
Skin Soother is a scar solution, too!
In addition to treating fresh cuts and injuries, all-natural Skin Soother can be applied to healed scars to reduce their appearance. Unsightly surgery scars can also heal faster and with reduced long-term scarring when Skin Soother is applied!
My bulldog Toby went under surgery last month and he got a terrible scar. I bought your balms in my last trip and with 3 weeks of using the Skin Soother the scar was perfect. Thanks! — Lina E.
Help your dog get back to the important things in life, like exploring, romping, and running!