How To Protect Dog Paws During Hot Summer Months

How To Protect Dog Paws During Hot Summer Months

How To Protect Dog Paws During Hot Summer Months

It’s so important to protect dog paws during the heat of summer. For starters, have you ever walked barefoot across asphalt on a hot day? Than you know how much it can hurt! Your dog has fairly strong paw pads but they are not immune to the heat radiating off the pavement every summer. Paws are naturally made for navigating through nature, not scorching hot man-made concrete and asphalt. A simple walk around the block on hot pavement can create painful damage to your dog’s paws.

To make matters worse, dogs regulate their body temperature through their paws. When suffering from hot paws it’s hard for the rest of your dog to cool down, increasing the risk for heat stroke.

Protect Dog Paws: How Hot Is Too Hot To Walk Your Dog On Pavement?

Hot-Asphalt-Awareness1According to The Human Society of the United States, “Asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet’s paws, so walk your dog on the grass if possible.”

You can check the pavement to see if it’s too hot for your dog by holding your hand or bare foot to it for 10 seconds without flinching. If it’s bearable to you, it’s likely tolerable for your dog as well.

At 77°F, the asphalt reaches temperatures as high as 125°F. When it’s 87° outside, the asphalt can reach as hot as 143°. Now imagine how hot the asphalt gets when temperatures creep up into the triple digits!

If your dog lives outside for a large percentage of the day they may be forced to walk and stand on scorching hot pavement for hours on end. Yet, even a couple walks around the block can burn your dog’s paws.

Are Your Dog’s Paws Burned Or Damaged From Hot Pavement?

In order to protect dog paws, always always clean off your dog’s paws and feel for rough, dry or damaged skin after going outside.

Signs Of Damaged Paw Pads:

  • Dry, rough, and/or flakey paws
  • Cuts or abrasions
  • Your dog is limping or resistant to walk
  • Pads are darker in color than usual
  • Blisters
  • Redness
  • Part of the pad is missing
  • Your dog is constantly licking at and chewing paws

How To Treat Damaged Paws: PawSoother

Healthy dog paws are smooth to the touch. If you notice your pet’s paws have developed a dry, rough texture they are in need of some help to prevent pain and discomfort.

PawSoother is an all-natural product made especially to heal dry, sore and burned dog paws. Every last ingredient is safe enough to eat, but strong enough to combat seriously damaged paw pads. Not only does PawSoother go to work healing damaged paws, but also it provides instant soothing relief for your dog. Sort of like putting chapstick on dry lips—it just feels good!

We know dogs love to lick everything, including their paws. That’s why we make sure every last ingredient is carefully sourced and just as good for your dog’s insides as their precious little paws.

How To Protect Dog Paws From Hot Pavement: PawTector

Walking along hot pavement may not be avoidable—heck, your dog wants to explore no matter how hot it is outside. That’s where PawTection comes into play. Made with a specially selected combination of all natural oils and waxes, PawTection provides a barrier of protection between the pavement and your dog’s paws.

There are special shoes made for dogs, but not all dogs tolerate wearing cumbersome kicks on all four paws. PawTection is a much less invasive way to protect your dog’s paws from hot pavement, sand and other abrasive ground surfaces. Plus, it provides moisturizing and health-boosting properties to keep dogs’ feet feeling their best.