Dry dog lips need to be naturally treated as soon as possible to prevent worsening of the problem, such as crusting and cracking dog lips. Even if your dog’s dry lips have already progressed to this stage, there’s no need to worry. Snout Soother is one of the best all natural remedies for dry dog lips, and it can be applied one-week into the issue, or years after your dog first developed dry or cracked lips. Each organic, vegan and all natural ingredient packed inside plays a unique role, including moisturizing, healing, and anti-inflammatory properties.
When your lips get really chapped you need something to soothe the immediate discomfort and help the healing process move forward, hence the need for lip balm. Snout Soother is similar to applying an all-natural lip balm but perfectly pet safe!
By applying an all-natural balm to your dog’s lips, you help seal in good moisture and keep out moisture from your dog’s tongue. This is essential to the healing process because dogs love to lick and chew, especially at something that’s bothering them.
What Causes Dry Dog Lips?
There are a wide variety of reasons dogs develop dry lips, including (but not limited to):
- Certain health conditions, like hyperkeratosis and dermatitis, can make your dog more prone to chapped lips.
- Low relative humidity can contribute to cracking and drying of your dog’s skin, just as it can your skin.
- Certain allergies or irritants in your dog’s immediate environment can provoke dry lips; this is more likely to be the case if the sores, chapped or dry skin impact your dog’s nose.
- Toys made of jute are thought to be plausible contributors to dry dog lips.
- Vitamin deficiencies can cause the inner lips, especially near the corners of the mouth, to crack.
- Dehydration, is your dog drinking enough water to remain hydrated on the inside and outside?
The only way to know what is causing your dog’s dry lips is to visit your veterinarian. It might take some trial and error to uncover the actual issue. Finding out why your dog’s lips are dry is key to preventing the problem from reoccurring.
Add Oil To Your Dog’s Food
Add 1 teaspoon coconut oil, krill oil, fish oil, or flaxseed oil to your pet’s food. This provides a healthy dose of essential fatty acids that can help moisturize and replenish dry skin. Talk with your vet to uncover any other types of supplements that might help naturally heal your dog’s dry lips.
Can You Use Vaseline On Dry Dog Lips?
We’ve heard people recommend applying vaseline to your dog’s lips, but don’t do it – not ever. Your dog is going to end up ingesting it, and while vaseline is considered non-toxic to dogs, eating it is known to provoke diarrhea and vomiting. In fact, the ASPCA recommends keeping vaseline away from dogs.
Without fail, we all know dogs are going to lick and subsequently eat anything applied to their lips. You can rest assured, Snout Soother is 100% safe on every inch of your dog’s body, inside and out.
Try Snout Soother risk free today! Your pup is sure to thank you with plenty of soft-lipped kisses.